Abortion. The word itself is almost more synonymous with political divide than anything else. To be frank, my position is as follows: Abortion is a grave moral wrong, and as such should be illegal in all stages, with both the mother and doctor/practitioner being held accountable. With this being said, I also recognize the unimaginable agony and pain of the position many of these woman (and some girls) find themselves in. It is a terror I could not comprehend. I do pray you will read through my writings on the topic with an open mind and heart, regardless of where you fall on the issue.


I think the best way to prevent this from being one massive paper is to divide it as one page per argument. I will attempt to address and rebut what I feel are the strongest arguments presented by both sides of the issue. As a generalization, I would say people usually fall into one of three categories. Anti-Abortion from the moment of conception, those who believe there is a line between birth and conception (usually viability), and those who believe any abortion is at least morally PERMISSIBLE at all stages of gestation.

I will refer to these categories as Anti Abortion (AA), Pro Viability (PV), and Pro Abortion (PA), respectively.


As an aside, we will for the sake of argument, assume that something being gravely immoral constitutes that it OUGHT to be illegal. At some point I will address the position held by some that abortion is a serious moral wrong, but ought to be legal nonetheless. 

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